The military helmet is an essential piece of military equipment. This type of helmet is made for different situations. The main purpose of a military helmet is to protect a soldier’s head from injury. However, each type of helmet is made of a different material.
Generally, there are two types of military helmets: tactical and ballistic. The tactical helmet is light and can have multiple military gadgets such as a lantern, communication system, camera, etc. The tactical helmets are made of lighter materials such as impact-resistant plastic, kevlar, or carbon fiber. Marine Corps use this kind of head protection system.
On the other hand, the ballistic helmet is more resistant to bullet impacts. This one is heavier than the tactical helmet. Commonly, the ballistic helmet can not have any military gadgets. For that reason, the tactical or ballistic helmet will be chosen based on the mission.
How to Use A Military Helmet?
A military helmet is simple to use. Modern military helmets have resistant straps. Soldiers only need to attach the straps and adjust the chin. The way how to use a military helmet will depend on the design of the straps. Some, for example, have plastic buckle clips or snaps. In this case, the soldier has to get used to attaching this type of buckle or snap.
However, once the soldier learns how to attach the straps, wearing a military helmet will become easier. Additionally, soldiers can set up their military tactic helmets with any kind of gadgets such as a flashlight, night vision goggles, or a microphone. Even velcro is an important material to set up correctly the helmet.
Is It Comfortable to Wear A Military Helmet?
Thanks to the foam pads, it is comfortable to wear a military helmet. It is also important to say that, for the helmet to fit comfortably, the size also must be correct. If the size is smaller than the soldier’s head, it will cause a headache. This will make it difficult to wear for a long time.
Otherwise, if the helmet size is larger than the soldier’s head, it will be uncomfortable to wear it, and also it will lack stability. This will annoy the soldier on the mission. If the size is correct, the soldier will have no trouble wearing either a tactical or a ballistic helmet. This is true regardless of the weight of the ballistic helmet or the number of gadgets on the tactical helmet.
Difference Between Tactical and Ballistic Helmets
The big difference between ballistic and tactical helmets is their main purpose. The tactical helmet’s protective ability is limited. It is not completely resistant to bullet impacts. This happens because of the type of materials that are used to make this helmet. On the other hand, the ballistic helmet can resist different bullet impacts.
Each helmet has a different hardness depending on the materials used in its abrasion. Tactical helmets, being lighter, can have different types of gadgets, on the other hand, the ballistic helmet can not have any type of gadgets.